The partogram module supports doctors and midwives in documenting the course of the delivery. Together with the CTG monitoring software and documentation during pregnancy, the structured documentation of the birth with doctor's letter writing, label printing and data export for external quality assurance, the partogram solution forms a complete package for the delivery room documentation.

Graphical course of delivery

The partogram module is the solution for obstetric documentation according to the guidelines of the German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics (DGGG). Due to the free definition of symbols and events, such as ruptured membranes, PDA, MBU and birth in the partogram, the software solution can be configured in its graphic representation almost without limit.

All 16/1 relevant data recorded in the partogram is automatically available for obstetrics quality assurance, which means data collection is done only once. In addition, the partogram functional area has legally compliant documentation of all inputs, including a historization in the database.

In addition, the module can ensure direct access to the CTG monitoring and thus offers the possibility of online transfer and graphical representation of maternal vital parameters from suitable CTG devices. The WHO intervention lines are calculated on the basis of the cervical dilation, which can be displayed in great detail and in the form of graphic documentation.

Your benefits at a glance:

  • Graphic input and display of tactile findings
  • CTG assessment can be used across partogram and CTG monitoring
  • Display of medication administration, infusions, vital parameters, notes and other freely definable findings on the time axis
  • On request, display of the WHO intervention lines
  • Adoption of maternal CTG parameters in the partogram
  • One-time collection of 16/1 data
  • Flexibility through maximum configuration options
  • Extension to the NEXUS / OBSTETRICS complete solution
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