Remote diagnosis for better treatment on site

Remote diagnostics simplifies on-site treatment. The NEXUS / CTG-OverviewAPP supports the doctor on duty when he is on call or the staff in the clinic. The current CTG, vital signs, medication and the partogram are available to the user for live assessment.

All data is syncronized in real time with the NEXUS documentation, so that there is a uniform dataset for diagnosis.

  • Delivery room occupancy overview
  • Live display of all current CTGs
  • Medical details about the patient
  • Chronological list-view of partogram data
  • Presentation of the drugs and infusions

Your benefits at a glance

  • The same level of information for all those responsible – in the delivery room or remotely
  • Support for critical CTGs at any time possible
  • Important patient data such as medication, vital data and partogram are available for comprehensive assessment
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