NEXUS / ASTRAIA Integrated Solutions

Astraia software has been installed in more than 70 countries. The requirements for integrating the software into existing IT infrastructures are very different in each region and even each customer. Clinics have far more complex requirements than practices.

NEXUS / ASTRAIA has been using the NEXUS Integration Server for data interfaces since 2021, specially adapted as astraia.connect. This allows any interface solution to be flexibly configured and monitored in daily real operation.

The highly flexible interface solution astraia.connect support all commonly used data formats and communication protocols like HL7, XML, FHIR, DICOM and many more.

HIS Systems Integration

With astraia software and NEXUS / WOMAN HEALTH CARE, we want to support our users with optimal workflows - and avoid double entries and system breaks at the IT level.

The prerequisite for this in clinics is the optimal integration of our special software into the existing HIS environment. That's what we stand for. With astraia.connect we bring powerful interface technology from the NEXUS group portfolio, which we can use to connect to all common healthcare data formats.

We integrate our software flexibly and efficiently into your system as part of the project - with manageable costs and without any programming effort. Your IT colleagues will be delighted.

LAB Systems Integration

Astraia software requires certain laboratory values ​​for the innovative risk algorithms of the FMF UK; PAPP-A, beta-hCG, PIFG and AFP, to name just a few. These laboratory results ​​are not only transferred digitally via an existing laboratory information system (LIS) using astraia.connect. Under certain system requirements, it can also be useful to collect the laboratory results ​​directly from the laboratory analysis device or from its middleware.

It is important to know that the laboratory results ​​are not only transferred and stored digitally in astraia software for documentation purposes. For use as an input variable for special risk classifiers (trisomy 21, 18, 13, fetal growth restriction, preeclampsia and many more) based on complex probability distribution functions, the measured values ​​of these devices are carefully calibrated by astraia software depending on the manufacturer and device.

NEXUS / ASTRAIA offers the right interface technology for all relevant laboratory information systems and laboratory services. With a special interface for direct connection, we currently support the most commonly used analysis systems from Thermofisher/Brahms, Perking Elmer and Roche.

Ultrasound Device Integration

Astraia software can swiftly integrate with any US machine model which is DICOM 3.0 compliant. This means that Astraia can receive images, videos, volumes, measurements and manage the Worklist for practically any modern US machine in the market. Astraia is not limited by model or brand, thanks to the integrated mini PACS Astraia can allow transfer of common DICOM objects used during Ultrasound examination without any external system such VNA or PACS. The Astraia Viewer can then allow to display the images, videos and volumes, and apply further measurements and other useful drawing, including text and adjustments to brightness and color. The Astraia Viewer is also available when integrated with the local VNA or PACS.

CTG Monitoring Solution

A stable and scalable system architecture, simple operation, clear and unambiguous presentation of information as well as full integration into the obstetric documentation are basic requirements for a modern CTG monitoring system. The basic system of NEXUS / CTG MONITORING already meets these requirements.

Various options allow, for example, the alarming of maternal parameters or the support of innovative CTG analysis methods. In addition, NEXUS / OBSTETRICS enables CTG archiving in the electronic patient file of the clinical information system.

Maternal alerting

Always have an eye on the relevant parameters with our integrated maternal alarm. Set upper and lower limits to be alerted in the event of abnormal maternal vital parameters. This not only offers maximum safety to all users, but also to patients.

CTG OverviewAPP

Remote diagnostics simplify on-site treatment. The NEXUS / CTG-OverviewAPP supports the doctor on duty when he is on call or the staff in the clinic. The current CTG, vital signs, medication and the partogram are available to the user for assessment. All data is currently taken from the NEXUS / ASTRAIA documentation so that there is a uniform basis for diagnosis.

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