Ideal for a multi-lingual environment

Standardized terminology in more than 20 languages

Standardised and semantically correct terminology in obstetrics and gynaecology is essential for accurate documentation and diagnosis.  In order to guarantee this in the astraia software, we follow a strict process and receive support from leading experts:

Medical terms must first be defined in English by three different medical consultants before new content can be implemented in the application.

Once the English version is finalised, it is passed on for translation into the roughly 25 languages. To achieve this, we have access to a network of around 200 medical translators. Each translator is an astraia customer, expert in the field to be translated and has been pre-assessed for their English language skills. All terms to be translated must be reviewed and approved by at least one other expert.

Thanks to this process, all our users can count on correct terminology that corresponds to the standard in their language.

The default language can be set in the options. It is also possible to change the language directly in the patient screen (i.e. during an examination) via the languages menu at the top right, which is particularly useful for multilingual environments.

For certain languages, such as German or French, there are country-specific versions. These take into account the local date formats, spelling and in some cases also include special input screens in order to comply with local regulations.

Please contact us if you would like to know if astraia is available in your language and country.

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