All for women's health

astraia Gynaecology

The astraia Gynaecology module was developed together with leading clinicians in order to cover all aspects of gynaecological health and to provide a comprehensive tool for the daily work in the clinic.

Benefit from comprehensive screens for the examination of early pregnancies, maternal structures including the uterus, ovaries, adnexae, bladder and kidneys as well as endoscopic procedures such as laparoscopy, laparotomy and hysteroscopy to gather all relevant information. Moreover, you can report the results of gynaecological procedures including cervical smear, endometrial biopsy, implant, cyst aspiration, IUCD insertion, infections, ectopic injection, ERCP and follicle tracking.

The integrated risk calculation for malignancy of ovarian tumours is implemented according to the International Ovarian Tumour Analysis (IOTA) guidelines. astraia has supported the IOTA study screens for more than 10 years. Expert instructions and referral images help the decision for staging, but also can serve as training material for junior doctors and students.

Your benefits with astraia Gynaecology

  • Systematically document the patient’s medical history, examinations, diagnostic findings and outcome
  • Report the results of gynaecological procedures such as cervical smear, endometrial biopsy, implant, cyst aspiration, IUCD insertion, infections, ectopic injection, ERCP and follicle tracking
  • Make use of specialized screens for endoscopic procedures, such as laparoscopy, laparotomy, hysteroscopy
  • Assess the risk of malignancy for adnexal masses based on IOTA and RMI models
  • Create comprehensive and well-structured reports for referring doctors with a few clicks

Get in touch with us

Cornelia Neuendorf MSc & Team

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Get in touch with us and we will talk about your individual case.

Contact us


Adalperostraße 80
85737 Ismaning

Tel.: +49 89 540 204-700

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