In cooperation with other NEXUS branches, we are proud to offer an extensive solution for delivery units of all sizes. In addition to the sophisticated astraia Delivery reporting module there are several add-ons available to round up a complete solution to monitor and support the whole delivery process from first signs of labor through to birth.
astraia Delivery
In close cooperation with experts in perinatal diagnosis and assistance, the astraia Delivery module has been designed to support medical personnel best through their work while keeping up with all necessary documentation and preparing a complete report without great effort.
The well-structured tabular presentation makes it easy to document and follow-up all essential phases, events and findings during delivery at any moment, such as labour induction, rupture of membranes, labour, delivery, caesarean, placenta delivery, perineum, medication and complications. In addition, a separate screen for postpartum events is available to record information about mother and child for discharge.
Your benefits with astraia Delivery
- Document in detail all phases of delivery from antenatal assessment through early signs of labour to delivery and outcome.
- Easily structure all information about the different events of the delivery.
- Include postpartum events of mother and child as part of the complete documentation.
- Generate without great effort a well-structured report containing all important information about labour, delivery and postpartum events.
NEXUS CTG Monitoring
A stable and scalable system architecture, simple operation, clear and unambiguous display of information and complete integration in obstetrical documentation are basic requirements for a modern CTG monitoring system. Even the basic system of NEXUS / CTG MONITORING fulfills these requirements.
Various options make it possible, for example, to alarm maternal parameters or support innovative CTG analysis methods. In addition, NEXUS / BIRTH ASSIST enables CTG archiving in the electronic patient file of the clinical information system.
Maternal Alerting
Always have the relevant parameters in view with our integrated maternal alerting. Set upper and lower limits to be alerted when maternal vital signs are abnormal. This not only provides maximum safety for all users, but also for patients at all times.
CTG OverviewAPP
Remote reporting simplifies on-site treatment. The NEXUS / CTG OverviewAPP application supports the physician on duty during standby or the staff in the hospital. The current CTG, vital signs, medication and partogram are available to the user for evaluation. All data are currently drawn from the NEXUS birth documentation so that a uniform basis for findings is provided.
NEXUS Partogram
The Partogram add-on supports physicians and midwives in documenting the birth process. Together with the CTG monitoring software and documentation during pregnancy, structured documentation of birth with doctor's letter writing, label printing and data export for external quality assurance, the Partogram solution forms a complete package for delivery room documentation.
Graphical birth history
The Partogram module is the solution for obstetric documentation according to the guidelines of the German Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (DGGG). Due to the free definition of symbols and events, such as rupture of membranes, PDA, MBU and birth in the partogram, the software solution is almost unlimited configurable in its graphical representation.
All 16/1 relevant data recorded in the partogram is automatically available for quality assurance in the "Obstetrics" area, which means that data is only recorded once. Furthermore, the functional area Partogram has a legally compliant documentation of all entries including a historization in the database.
In addition, the module can provide direct access to CTG monitoring, offering the possibility of online acquisition and graphical display of maternal vital signs from suitable CTG devices. WHO intervention lines are calculated on the basis of the cervical distance, which can be displayed in great detail and in a graphical documentation.
NEXUS Ward View
For a comprehensive overview of your patients in the delivery room area, the delivery room dashboard of NEXUS / BIRTH AID is available to you. The most important information of the selected patients is constantly displayed on the dashboard. In addition to palpation findings and vital data, this includes gestational age, gravidity, parity, pregnancy risks and other additional data from the patient file. A new diagnostic status is entered quickly and clearly by clicking on the "smiley".
In networked systems, this information is made available throughout the department. Within the overview, the most important information on the selected patients is constantly displayed. The information displayed is automatically updated by the entries from the other functions ("Partogram" and "Birth Documentation"). You can set the update interval yourself.
The delivery room overview replaces the chalkboard in the midwife center and ensures that the crucial information on the birth process of the individual patient is displayed up to date. The delivery room overview can be configured according to your needs.
Get in touch with us

Cornelia Neuendorf MSc & Team
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Get in touch with us and we will talk about your individual case.