NEXUS / OBSTETRICS Trainings Suite

NEXUS supports prospective obstetricians and midwives in their qualified training.

With the NEXUS Obstetrics Training Suite, we provide a solution that supports you in the training of professionals in the delivery room. The recording and assessment of all data that occurs during delivery can be run through during the training scenario.

Thanks to sophisticated technology, it is possible to rerun any CTG that was connected to a NEXUS CTG monitor and saved in real time as a simulation at any time. With the help of these CTGs, all deliveries in your clinic can be re-enacted.

The full potential of NEXUS' comprehensive CTG monitoring system is available for these reviews. These include, among others:

  • Well-founded assessment of the CTG according to the recommendations of the DGGG
  • Forensically secured digital documentation of the delivery
  • The partogram for the digital delivery process

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