NEXUS / ASTRAIA at the FMF Advances Course - 2022 edition

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  • NEXUS / ASTRAIA at the FMF Advances Course - 2022 edition

From December 3 to 4, 2022, the FMF Advances Course was held in London, where hundreds of fetal medicine specialists from all over the world gathered to attend two days of lectures on the latest advances in the field. As every year, astraia was present for this event organized by the Fetal Medicine Foundation under the leadership of its founder and president, Professor Kypros Nicolaides.

In total, nearly 1400 participants attended the event which took place at the Institute of Education - University of London (IOE). As a sponsor, NEXUS / ASTRAIA hosted a booth where a team consisting of Cornelia Neuendorf MSc., Business Manager, Dr. David M. Stucki, Product Manager, Karina Cherem Salum Dantas from Manager Systems, astraia's business partner in Brazil, and Rebecca Misraï, Localization Manager, had the pleasure to meet the attendees.

It was an exciting opportunity for astraia to meet key international partners and to work on the implementation of the product in new key markets such as Japan, where the long-awaited launch of astraia is currently being prepared. But also, many long-time customers and medical consultants were able to discuss with our team and ask all necessary questions regarding the software and the possible acquisition of new modules.

It was a great pleasure to be able to reinforce our relationships with our many partners finally in person, and not only through a video call or e-mails. Last but not least, many physicians who have not yet acquired astraia expressed their interest in the product, and asked for demonstrations after the conference was over.

On Saturday evening, the astraia team was honored to be among the guests at the dinner organized by the FMF, which also included the speakers and the gold partners.

NEXUS / ASTRAIA is very pleased with its participation and thanks all the participants who showed their interest. We look forward to seeing you at the 20th World Congress of Fetal Medicine from June 25 to 29, 2023 in Valencia, Spain!

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