NEXUS / ASTRAIA - stronger together

After a carefully administered transition period of two years, in Spring 2022 astraia software gmbh and NEXUS / WOMEN’S HEALTHCARE finally completed their merger into the new NEXUS / ASTRAIA as a sub-devision of NEXUS AG. Following the vision "Stronger together" both companies have worked on their end to use synergies and present a now much larger portfolio. Both companies brought their own expertise to the table, complementing each other perfectly. A first joint project has gone live and gives a first impression of the new powerful possibilities for our customers worldwide.

It has not only been a marriage between two companies, each member of our very international team brings a lot of valuable skills to the mix. We are very proud to combine deep rooted experience with young talent as well as competence from many different areas of expertise. Now two dedicated teams work hand-in-hand to offer the best possible solution for each customer. Because we care about people - those we work with and those we serve.

Above all, we have passion for what we do, and we are proud of what we accomplish.

astraia software gmbh

In 1999 the driving force behind the founding of astraia software gmbh was a group of doctors and medical experts who, together with a handful of software developers, saw the need for and then initiated the development of a database that would cover all aspects of obstetrics and gynaecology at the highest medical standard and still be flexible enough to be adapted to the customer's individual needs.

This obstetric and gynaecological database was to offer a unified and standardized medical terminology, be up-to-date on all the latest scientific research and data and be applicable in as many languages as possible.

Over the course of the years, astraia software has been translated into over 20 languages and has been installed in more than 1,500 doctor's offices, small clinics, large hospitals, midwife practices, laboratories and research centers.

In 2018, the astraia management took the opportunity to join the NEXUS group and therefore open up to many new possibilities and collaborations with the one goal - provide our customers with a sustainable and comprehensive solution. However, it is of utmost importance to astraia not to give up any integrity, vendor independence and keep the focus on developing a top notch product, always keeping up to date with the latest research and new finding. In line with this, we continue to work hand-in-hand with scientific and medical societies worldwide, supporting them in different ways and gravitate knowledge into our software in return.

One milestone happened in 2020, when Mr. Roland Denk, the dedicated and internationally much respected founder of astraia software, officially handed over the leadership of his team to Dr. Uwe Hannemann, a very experienced executive from NEXUS AG.



With the aim of providing the best possible support for the staff in the delivery room and being able to monitor all delivery rooms centrally, the first CTG monitoring system was launched in 1989 in cooperation with the University of Marburg as a development partner. At that time still under the DOS operating system, it went live as a 4-bed monitoring system.

In the years that followed, CTG monitoring was continuously developed. The first network-version was installed in 1990 at Charité in Berlin. At the same time, the first obstetric documentation for the delivery room was developed in the early 1990s. Right from the start, the focus was on the workflow-oriented collection and provision of all relevant information for the delivery room. The automatic creation of documents and QS data processing played an important role. With the installation in the Charité under the direction of Prof. Dudenhausen, this solution found a prominent supporter.

In 2001, CTG monitoring was certified as a class IIb medical device for the first time.

From then on, the range of functions of the solution for the delivery room was continuously expanded. It is characterized by a comprehensive functionality, such as integrated analyses, differentiated alarms or various assessment options. Thanks to the modular concept, an optimal solution adapted to individual requirements of each customer can be offered.

Today NEXUS / WOMEN’S HEALTHCARE offers a comprehensive department solution from the first day of pregnancy to discharge from the maternity clinic.

With many years of experience and a team of close to 20 employees, we competently support our 300 customers in Germany and Europe.


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